Emergency Appeal

Medical Aid for Palestinians is responding to the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Please give a gift today and help us take the urgent next steps to save lives. 

After more than five months of bombardment by the Israeli military, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is only getting worse. More children’s lives than ever are at risk.

But as stocks of essential medicines, food and anaesthetic run low, we urgently need your support to help procure and deliver more vital medical aid and shelter supplies.

So far Medical Aid for Palestinians has sent 27 trucks carrying over $3.5 million worth of aid through the Rafah crossing into Gaza and the MAP team that is still there is doing all they can to distribute that aid where it is most needed.

Please show your solidarity and support for the Palestinian people and give an urgent gift today. Thank you.

If you would like to do more, please consider setting up a regular gift. Your regular support will mean that we can continue to respond now and in the future. Many thanks. 

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Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is the obligation for Muslims to give a proportion of their wealth to charity each year. 

How does Medical Aid for Palestinians use Zakat Donations?

Across the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), Palestinian hospitals are in desperate need of basic, yet essential medicines and medical supplies. Many medical items needed to treat patients are regularly in short supply or have already ran out completely. At Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), we help by purchasing as many urgently needed medicines, medical supplies and equipment as we can. We can only do this thanks to the financial support we receive from supporters like you. You can choose to make your donation to us a 'Zakat donation' by selecting the checkbox in our donation forms. 

MAP uses 100% of all the Zakat donations we receive to respond to the ongoing medicines and medical supply emergency in Gaza and in the West Bank. If you want to make a Zakat donation, please remember to tick the Zakat box on the donation page.

You can make your Zakat Gift have even greater impact by adding Gift Aid to your donation.

If you would like to discuss your donation further, please contact us on 020 7226 4114 or [email protected]

Thank you for your support. 

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Donations from UK tax payers qualify for Gift Aid. By ticking the box below, you are allowing Medical Aid for Palestinians to reclaim the tax that you have paid on your donation.

Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

The MAP Promise

We don’t share details with other charities.

We promise to use your donation wherever the need is greatest. We won’t pass your name on or contact you unless you want to hear from us.